Lawn & Plant Health Care, Pest Management
Our Plant Health Care Division offers customized Integrated Pest Management programs for your trees, shrubs and turf. Trees and shrubs require essential nutrients to allow the plant to thrive. In a natural forested setting, leaves are constantly breaking down to provide a nutrient filled organic layer. However in most landscapes this doesn't occur so it is common for tree and shrubs to struggle a few years after being planted when the nutrients added during planted are depleted. Our hydraulically injected slow release fertilizer can help replenish those nutrients.
Turf Care
Your lawn is both decorative as an important aesthetic aspect of your landscape and functional as the place where the whole family plays. We offer traditional and natural fertilization programs as well as insect and disease control. Programs may include lime applications, aeration, over seeding and compost applications. We can help get you that healthy lush green lawn.

Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment to determine a course of action that is environmentally conscious to keep the pest population below damage thresholds. This is true whether it is for trees, shrubs or your lawn. One of our plant health care technicians will visit your property and perform an inspection and treat any issues when necessary.
Air Spade Technology
This cutting edge technology allows us to excavate or decompact to soil with supersonic air without damaging tree roots or utilities. This is used to decompact soils within the root zones caused by heavy foot traffic, vehicles or in construction sites. Even careful use of excavators and backhoes or even manual shovels would damage the root system of the tree. The Air spade allows us to solve the issue without damaging roots. After the decompaction is complete, we have the option of incorporation compost or fertilizer to provide an optimum growing medium.